antrophe designs
Antrophe Design

UCD Student's Union Brief

This was a poster to advertise computer induction courses organised by the union.

This was a leaflett used to build for the Democracy Now campaign on campus.

This was a poster used to build for a freshers ball warm up party.

This was a poster designed for a sexual health and awareness week.

The above is a sample template of the Union Page in one of the college newspapers, a broadsheet format it was designed for the simplicity in which stories and events could be slotted into place for inclustion in a forthnightly paper.

The website launch was one of the biggest aspects of my brief, the above poster was used to convey the idea of open publishing and the community nature of the site. The site which resides at has proven to be very popular as a community based forum for students in UCD.

This was a poster designed as promotional material for an annual christmas party the union organises.

These posters were designed to advertise the officer hours of union representatives around campus.

This poster was used as a primer for Rainbow Week.

This poster was commisioned by USI, in order to cariciture government figures.

This poster was used to build for a protest organised by SIPTU and UCDSU

This poster was used to build for rainbow week.

This poster was designed to encourage the use of Irish in student bars during Irish Language week.

This cariciture was commisioned in order to poke fun at the College President over his wasteful expenditure on a private gym when books were going short in the library

A poster for a tsunami fundraiser.

The above graphic was used as the front page of the union's Freshers Guide which I was responsible for designing and editing. You can download sections on accommodation., educational issues, union democracy, equality rights and welfare issues from the website. The graphic provoked much debate on the relationship between student unions and the political parties running the country.

A self explained poster for a smoking cessation campaign.

A poster to encourage the idea that 'no means no' in sexual relations.

A poster for a film festival on campus.

The above poster is a caricature of the relationship between the UCD college authorities and the government, displaying the College president to be a puppet of the state when it comes to privatisation and matters of funding.

The above are a series of posters designed for the protests against the Bush visit in which UCD Students Union took part.

The above photos are from a selection of tshirts I designed for the union over the course of the year.

What follows are two logos designed for a sub section campaign in the nion to raise money for GOAL Jersey Day, and the main UCD Students Union Logo I designed.

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name:James Redmond

details I am 22 years of age and am currently undertaking a masters in Equality Studies at University College Dublin which is a course dedicated to study of inequality in its social and political manifestations. Prior to this I completed a Bachelor of Arts In English and History.

phone:085 142 50 53